Recent Publications


Martinengo S., Schiavon M., Santoro V., Said-Pullicino D., Romani M., Miniotti E.F., Celi L., Martin M. (2023) Assessing phosphorus availability in paddy soils: the importance of integrating soil tests and plant responses. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 59, 391-405.


Toledo RL., Lerda C., Moretti B., Miniotti E., Santoro V., Fernandez-Ondono E., Martin M., Said-Pullicino D., Romani M., Celi L. (2022) Cover crops increase N and P cycling and rice productivity in temperate cropping systems. Agronomy, 12, 2193.

Giannetta B., Oliveira de Souza D., Aquilanti G., Celi L., Said-Pullicino D. (2022) Redox-driven changes in organic C stabilization and Fe mineral transformations in temperate hydromorphic soils. Geoderma, 406, 115532.

Masserano G., Moretti B., Bertora C., Vidotto F., Monaco S., Vocino F., Vamerali T., Sacco D. (2022) Acetic acid disturbs rice germination and post-germination under controlled conditions mimicking green mulching in flooded paddy. Italian Journal of Agronomy 17, 1926.


Said-Pullicino D., Giannetta B., Demeglio B., Missong A., Gottselig N., Romani M., Bol R., Klumpp E., Celi L. (2021) Redox-driven changes in water-dispersible colloids and their role in carbon cycling in hydromorphic soils. Geoderma, 385, 114894.

Fogliatto S., Patrucco L., De Palo F., Moretti B., Milan M., Vidotto F. (2021) Cover crops as green mulching for weed management in rice. Italian Journal of Agronomy, 16, 1850.


Wang, J., Kerl, C.F., Hu, P., Martin, M., Mu, T., Bruggenwirth, L., Wu, G., Said-Pullicino, D., Romani, M., Wu, L., Planer-Friedrich, B. (2020) Thiolated arsenic species observed in rice paddy pore waters. Nature Geosci. doi: 10.1038/s41561-020-0533-1 

Wang, J., Halder, D., Wegner, L., Bruggenwirth, L., Schaller, J., Martin, M., Said-Pullicino, D., Romani, M., Planer-Friedrich, B. (2020) Redox dependence of thioarsenate occurrence in paddy soils and the rice rhizosphere. Environ. Sci. Technol. doi: 10.1021/acs.est.9b05639 


Verhoeven, E., Barthel, M., Yu, L., Celi, L., Said-Pullicino, D., Sleutel, S., Lewicka-Szczebak, D., Six, J., Decock, C. (2019) Early season N2O emissions under variable water management in rice systems: Source-partitioning emissions using isotope ratios along a depth profile. Biogeosciences 16, 383-408.

Santoro, V., Martin, M., Persson, P., Lerda, C., Said-Pullicino, D., Magnacca, G., Celi, L. (2019) Inorganic and organic P retention by coprecipitation during ferrous iron oxidation. Geoderma 348, 168-180.

Fogliatto, S., Serra, F., Patrucco, L., Milan, M., Vidotto, F. (2019) Effect of different water salinity levels on the germination of imazamox-resistant and sensitive weedy rice and cultivated rice. Agronomy, 9, 9100658.

Milan, M., Ferrero, A., Fogliatto, S., Piano, S., Negre, M., Vidotto, F. (2019) Oxadiazon dissipation in water and topsoil in flooded and dry-seeded rice fields. Agronomy 9, 557.


Bertora, C., Cucu, M.A., Lerda, C., Peyron, M., Bardi, L., Gorra, R., Sacco, D., Celi, L., Said-Pullicino, D. (2018) Dissolved organic carbon cycling, methane emissions and related microbial populations in temperate rice paddies with contrasting straw and water management. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 265, 292-306.

Serra, F., Fogliatto, S., Vidotto, F. (2018) Effect of salinity on echinochloa crus-galli germination as affected by herbicide resistance. Italian Journal of Agronomy 13, 1046.

Bertora, C., Peyron, M., Pelissetti, S., Grignani, C., Sacco, D. (2018) Assessment of methane and nitrous oxide fluxes from paddy field by means of static closed chambers maintaining plants within headspace. Journal of Visualized Experiments 2018, e56754.

Cordero, E., Moretti, B., Miniotti, E.F., Tenni, D., Beltarre, G., Romani, M., Sacco, D. (2018) Fertilisation strategy and ground sensor measurements to optimise rice yield. European Journal of Agronomy 99, 177-185.

Verhoeven, E., Decock, C., Barthel, M., Bertora, C., Sacco, D., Romani, M., Sleutel, S., Six, J. (2018) Nitrification and coupled nitrification-denitrification at shallow depths are responsible for early season N2O emissions under alternate wetting and drying management in an Italian rice paddy system. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 120, 58-69.


Cucu M.A., Marhan S., Said-Pullicino D., Celi L., Kandeler E., Rasche F., (2017) Resource driven community dynamics of NH4+ assimilating and N2O reducing archaea in a temperate paddy soil. Pedobiologia 62, 16-27.

Busi R., Nguyen N.K., Chauhan B.S., Vidotto F., Tabacchi M., Powles S.B. (2017) Can herbicide safeners allow selective control of weedy rice infesting rice crops? Pest Management Science, 73: 71–77.

Milan M., Ferrero A., Fogliatto S., De Palo F., Vidotto F. (2017) Imazamox dissipation in two rice management systems. The Journal of Agricultural Science, 155: 431–443.

Zanzo E., Balint R., Prati M., Celi L., Barberis E., Violante A., Martin M. (2017) Aging and arsenite loading control arsenic mobility from ferrihydrite-arsenite coprecipitates. Geoderma, 299, 91-100.


Lehndorff E., Houtermans M., Winkler P., Kaiser K., Kolbl A., Romani M., Said-Pullicino D., Utami S.R., Zhang G.L., Cao Z.H., Mikutta R., Guggenberger G., Amelung W. (2016) Black carbon and black nitrogen storage under long-term paddy and non-paddy management in major reference soil groups. Geoderma 284, 214-225.

Miniotti EF., Romani M., Said-Pullicino D., Facchi A., Bertora C., Peyron M., Sacco D., Bischetti GB., Lerda C., Tenni D., Gandolfi C., Celi L. (2016) Agro-environmental sustainability of different water management practices in temperate rice agro-ecosystems. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 222, 235-248.

Peyron M., Bertora C., Pelissetti S., Said-Pullicino D., Celi L., Miniotti E., Romani M., Sacco D. (2016) Greenhouse gas emissions as affected by different water management practices in temperate rice paddies. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 232, 17-28.

Said-Pullicino D., Miniotti EF., Sodano M., Bertora C., Lerda C., Chiaradia EA., Romani M., Cesari de Maria S., Sacco D., Celi L. (2016) Linking dissolved organic carbon cycling to organic carbon fluxes in rice paddies under different water management practices. Plant and Soil 401, 273-290.

Sodano M., Said-Pullicino D., Fiori A.F., Catoni M., Martin M., Celi L. (2016) Sorption of paddy soil-derived dissolved organic matter on hydrous iron oxide-vermiculite mineral phases. Geoderma 261, 169-177.